<aside> 🤍 My Mom Is A Bitch is about my social anxieties. The piece leans into the unconscious contents to heal what’s consciously felt.

I created by following the thread of imageries that came to me in flashes the night before. By learning the symbols that emerged as I created, I uncovered the hidden content of my psyche and shadows.





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Artist’s story

I have strong episodes of social anxieties. They come unexpectedly with certain triggers. When that happens, my unconscious takes over and whatever willpower I have shivers to not give in to the unconscious rage. Learning to strengthen my conscious power through mindfulness is an existential thing. As young as 15, I had known I needed it in order to cope with my sensitivity and the looming unconscious.

My childhood dream to be in Italy was actualized, but I woke up everyday with crippling anxiety. Can you see?

My childhood dream to be in Italy was actualized, but I woke up everyday with crippling anxiety. Can you see?

I will never know the complete list of my root causes. But being bullied throughout my childhood sure hell is one. My mom was a bully () because she had a lot of repressed shadows. Other adults and friends were also bullies () for the same reason. When we lack the insights and language to understand ourselves, our world becomes so hostile a landscape that we punish, suffer, blame, and strife.



A phrase that repeated in my head quite often growing up. My mom was tyranny due to her unstable emotions. She was also sensitivity, kindness, sacrificial love, and protection. Due to moral responsibilities, the abhorness of the word “bitch”, and my love for her, I censored myself from ever saying this aloud. But my mom is a bitch sometimes and that’s part of the person whom I have learned to love.


The mother archetype is…

arguably the most important of all archetypes (Liberman ↗︎) encompasses fertility, nourishment, protection, tranquility, guidance, embraces, encouragement, love, and much more (**). It also represents the unconscious itself.

Anything that surrounds, wraps, shelters, and preserves is representing the mother. A photo frame is a shelter that preserves its content. Shattering it by conscious effort with a hammer is me challenging the defense itself.

Bowl, ca. 1550–1295 B.C., MET Museum

Bowl, ca. 1550–1295 B.C., MET Museum